Wednesday, June 13, 2012



I just had to tell you this Anna.

Guess who rolled up at Mistress Bulstrode's over the weekend?  MYRA! Yes, that's right, my brother's wife! Seeking a reconciliation!

She drove up from Dorset on her motorcycle combination.

Talk about a blast from the past! (see my post of Tuesday 19th December, 2006)

We had quite a chat. She tells me that she has started another religious cult. It is a reaction against traditional religions like Roman Catholicism, Methodism and so on - it's called

Don't Knowism

She is hoping to trawl a few agnostics... perhaps even atheists: her religion's central tenet is

Worship at the altar of doubt

Anyway, I gave Hector some money to go down the Off-Licence and get a few bottles of Guinness and we had a most cordial evening.(a fragrant aroma of pipe smoke still pervades the sitting room)

Myra is such a charismatic, persuasive woman; I am sure she will attract many converts to
 Don't Knowism. 

Hector was so pleased to see her (even relieved, I thought)  and agreed to return with her the following morning. (she brought a spare helmet in anticipation.)

I was quite emotional as I waved them off - Hector giving a Nazi salute from the open sidecar.  Mistress Bulstrode seemed positively choked. 

She has changed the sheets on her bed, and I got an extra fish finger at supper  ( I do not think this augers well)

I will write more fully but I wanted to give you the news straight away.


By the way: Myra's last words to me, as she cocked her leg over the saddle, were... The future has already happened - we just haven't got there yet.
This sounds very profound but what do you think it means?

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