Thursday, March 20, 2014

Are you making criticism of one's nose? I have very straight nordic nose, which is not to be compared to elephant trunk, and though many times have I done unseemly thing, never with nose. 

And also from where do you obtain photo of immense elephant and small boy? It appear to be from very old newspaper. I cannot read caption but do not believe this boy is helping elephant to learn how to sit with front legs in air, and think this to be one of your bad taste jokes.

And about this man who is in prison, it matters much for what crime he has committed because length of sentence will determine how soon he get out to be with his woman. I know that even in Britain is woman allowed to visit her man, but not like in Sweden for the conjugal rites. So needs may not be satisfied for some long time, and if so woman may say - Sod this, but I will seek solace of a sexual nature with other man.

I am to do, for my thesis,  feminist critique of 'Atlas Shrugged' by woman author Ayn Rand. Do you know this book? (or this woman?) Hilary (who is a man but has woman's name and is my new tutor)) says this should be right up my ally. This is British idiom - I hope. Hilary rides fold-up bicycle around campus but is not homosexual.

I leave you now because need to read 'Atlas Shrugged'

Your over-worked Anna

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