Sunday, March 30, 2014

It's for Charity


Bad day yesterday. Complicated. All sorts of stuff. 

Then - got locked out! - actually that was the best part of the day.

On my way back, after you had gone, Anna, I called in a pub I frequent on a regular basis (I refuse to call any pub my local)

Well, I say 'I called in' - I actually got as far as the door and was prevented from entry by the landlord. A big man, who can block most doorways, he said 'Ticket only tonight'.
'What?' I expostulated.
'Six pounds a ticket - it's for charity'.
He didn't say which charity, or what was on offer for my six pounds, and I was too taken aback to even think of asking.

I left, and found another pub.

But just imagine that: Ticket only entrance to a public house. Not a club or some sort of music or dance venue -  but a public house.

And then I thought of that magic phrase - It's for charity.

Now I support many charities, as you know, Anna, but it does seem you can get away with anything if you are doing it for charity.

I bet if Hitler had invaded Poland and said it was in aid of OXFAM we would have sponsored him.

But enough of this. I have a lot of things to worry about.


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