Thursday, March 06, 2014

Georgie. Why do you say - I am going to have a shower, instead of just saying - I am going to shower?

Is this perhaps because your working class roots upbringing when you live in house with no bathroom and  lavatory at bottom of yard?

But this is of little importune at this time. 

What a weekend did we have, eh? Such relaxation, and other things. And food, which is more than one eats in a week. This country Wales is, I think, a fine place. With hill and mountain and waterfall, and sheep everywhere. Which is why they always having roast lamb on menu. I will not eat this because I think of poor little lamb, gamboling happily in meadow and not knowing he is to go for the chop. 

Anyways, I am publishing here photo I took. -

This is picture of Conway estuary, and is taken on the Saturday morning of 1st March - which is St. David's Day. Who is this man I do not know, but they celebrate in Wales his birthday. And on the table in place where we stay they put daffodils. Which is to remember this man.

Conway is only small place but has monstrous big castle which people are telling me is built by King Edward I - who is called 'Longshanks' because he is very tall (tall for his time of history, when people are shorter than they are now - average person that is. So if Longshanks were to come back today he may be called 'Ordinaryshanks'. But this is just supposition on my part.)

I touch ancient wall of castle, thinking maybe Longshanks has touched this same spot.  But he could not know that in a thousand years time, beautiful Swedish girl, called Anna will touch this spot and think of me. Is not history fascinating.


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