Friday, March 21, 2014

Tired I am tonight, Georgie, and despondent.

It is usually you who despond a lot but tonight I begin to wonder what its all about? All this studying. Words, words, words. And what for is it all? So I get my degree and maybe also Masters - and then what? To be perhaps working in call-centre in Cardiff?

This book, 'Atlas Shrugged' is fattest book I ever read, and only have I got a few pages into story. So many pages. How does this woman have time to write all this?

Sometimes I am thinking back to when I was star in adult films produced and directed by brother Sven. But obvious cannot pursue such a career for ever, nor never am I wanting to. It is that just sometimes all these words are clogging up my brain.

Maybe I take rest from studying and come to visit, even though I said would not because of closeness to exams and the deadlines for the coursework.

What do you think, Georgie?


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