Sunday, November 21, 2004

The way things are

My temporal lobes are giving me gyp. It started on Friday, when the au pair asked me to give her a lift to her English class.

I didn't mind this, but she wanted me to do a three mile detour to pick up some stuff from the Dry Cleaners. When I protested, she reminded me that I was responsible for the stain on her skirt.

I reminded her that I had already apologised for spilling the red wine. But she pretended not to understand. (Foreigners always do that). But I took her, anyway.

This made me late for my meeting at the club, with Harry. He wasn't pleased. And when I asked him if he had brought the magazines, he said Gwendoline wasn't finished with the September issue. Said it was giving her new ideas.

How a woman can be so interested in Practical Mechanics beats me

On Saturday evening, I was due to be installed as 'Grand Master' of the 'Order of The Great Goat' (Sankey Lodge) but I forgot my apron. Now I will have to wait until next month.
What a bummer.

Oh yes - and our application to have Sydney put into 'Care' has been turned down - again.

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