Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Always will I have time to blog you my Georgie.

Also I know what ghoti means. I ask my pastoral tutor (who wants to take me out to dinner because he is thinking I have special needs for being of foreign origin) and he tell me this word mean 'fish'.
Because gh is pronounced like 'f' as is in 'enough'. Then o is pronounced as 'i' like in word 'women'. Finally ti is pronounced like 'sh' as in word 'action'. 

 My pastoral tutor - who is named Nigel - tells me Mr Shaw has shed in garden wherein he goes to write, and this shed is on turntable thing so as can rotate and always be in sunshine. I think Mr Shaw is clever man - although now dead.

I would very much like to see photos of windmill village and I do remember how are rushing at speed to lavotories, just in time also I would add.

I too am sorting some photos out so to post here. Such a wonderful thing is the photography, so you can have memory of events and people long gone by. And it all come back to you when you see photo, and you say - ha! I remember that morning, or afternoon or whatever time photo was taken. Also most people take photos when they are happy and living happy times, so they are bringing back happy memories. Mostly, but not always.

I agree with what it is you are saying about media, which is why as I have said previous time I do not read English newspapers. Hardly also do I watch television - except for programmes required to watch for my studies, which is not many and mostly on BBC2.

How can the brain take in all these problems about the floodings and the wars and the starving peoples of distant lands about which I know nothing? And even when I do know something because the television is showing me distressing scenes, I can do nothing about it because I am here, many many miles away. Nigel tell me that the brain always try to solve problems what is presented to it, and if is bombarded with too many it cannot solve, it gets all clogged up and frustrated and ceases to work efficiently. This is becoming serious problem for those who watch too much television.

Anyways, is time for bed - alone. But soon will be the half term, and then we can enjoy each other again.

Until such time, I sleep alone.


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