Sunday, February 23, 2014

Show me a happy fanatic


There is a saying: 'Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel'.

I am saying that Fanaticism is the last refuge of the deeply unhappy.

In my trade (ex trade) we used the Freudian term displacement to describe the process whereby a person unconsciously 'shifts' his or her  focus from the inner to the outer. 

If emotions, deep feelings, are too painful or 'dangerous' to deal with,  he or she will substitute some outside object, group on which to visit their deeply felt anger, resentment, guilt, frustration or fear. 

In other words, the internal conflict is objectified and therefore made more easy to deal with. Suitable candidates are the government; the establishment; a religious or racial group; big business; colonialism; socialism; communism... pick your label.

This is not to say that the chosen 'target' is entirely blameless, of course not, but a good indication that displacement is present is the degree of anger, hate, invective,  that is being directed toward an anonymous 'enemy'. This is  coupled with an unwillingness (or inability) to see any good at all in the target object or group.

Anger can be a good thing. But best to be honest about where it's coming from.

What's that you say, Anna? This diatribe against fanatics could be an instance of displacement? How dare you!

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