Monday, July 21, 2014

In the garage


Under the darkest recesses of the bench
shadows shift, and shapes mysteriously beckon; 
that other world that you see out of the corner of your eye,
only to vanish when you look directly at it.

Is this a world of reality
or a world of imagination?
are they the same thing?
different sides of the same coin;
the Yin and the Yang of reality?

You can't have light without shadows -
light creates shadows;
you can't have positive without negative -
negative gives birth to positive.

The reality of our five senses
is not all of reality - 
just a bit of it. 

Not sure where this leaves us for the moment, but let's listen to music on Classic FM.


R J Adams said...

Oh dear, I'm afraid I can't get Classic FM in my garage. I do have lots of 10W30 motor oil, though. Have you ever wondered what the 'W' stands for? Or, for that matter, the '10' and the '30'. So many mysteries in life.

R J Adams said...

Ooops! I missed the question mark off my penultimate sentence. That would have been a hanging offence to my old English master.