Thursday, June 02, 2005

A bit depressed

I sit here, looking out my attic window, a curtain of rain blurring the colours of the trees and rooftops in the valley below.
Yes, I am sleeping in the attic. I have let Hector have my bedroom. I know I said I wouldn't but he dropped a bombshell at dinner last night: he's left Patricia. I said, but why? you have been married for 40 years. He said, that's just it - 40 years! I said to her (Pat, that is) "You've had 40 years of my life." She replied, "Well, you have had 40 years of mine" I said, "Exactly - don't you think we should call it quits?" And without waiting for an answer I picked up my car keys and walked out.
There was dead silence around the dining table - except for the lesbian, who farted suddenly. I felt sorry for old Hector, so I let him have my room. I know I shall regret it.
They have all gone out for the day. I said they could take my car. Well, I am still feeling a bit iffy, what with the IBS and the menthol stuff as well. But I do feel a bit 'left out' if you know what I mean.
I can see the council estate from up here, and, if I re-focus the field-glasses... yes the orange and blue curtains of Carol's bedroom. How well I remember that room, I........ oh she's just opened the curtains.

Excuse me but there is something I have to do.

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