Sunday, April 11, 2010

No title


I am glum tonight, Anna. And I wondered if one could be 'clinically glum'. So I looked up 'glum' in the dictionary. It said: dejected, despondent, downcast, lugubrious, morose. And I thought: that's me. The word also connects with 'gloomy' and when I looked this up it gave 'depressed' as a synonym. And since one can be clinically depressed then I can be be clinically-glum.

As a matter of fact I feel like I have painted myself into a corner (in my life, I mean). I will tell you more when we meet - which will be soon. I am seeing Freddie in the morning.

Goodnight Anna


A.T. said...

there is nothing wrong with being glum.

Carlos Ribeiro said...

Nice picture! Here in Brazil we have the carnival, even though my city has a culture a little closer to European culture. Know Porto Alegre? If you're curious, see my blog. Thank you for your attention!