Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Tip for the day: Don't buy your Vaseline and your rubber gloves from the same pharmacy


Thanks for your speedy reply. You do seem to be having some adventures. I like adventures. I could do with one right now.
Did you see the comment by Purple Cow re your Mrs Dinky and her cigarettes?

Elaine Stritch the American actress and singer used to be a heavy smoker. She tells the story, how, after giving up for health reasons, she was performing in a club in Yorkshire. Afterwards, a lifelong fan came backstage to see her. He offered her a cigarette. She politely declined, telling him she no longer smoked. 'Why?' asked the man. 'Because I don't want to die of lung cancer.’ Replied Elaine.
'So what DO you want to die of?' he asked.

(I have quoted this in a comment replying to Purple Cow but I sometimes wonder if you read comments. You have not said anything about that fellow Adams’ remark about my photo: that it must have been taken just after the Romans left Chester. Well, I say: come on R.J. where’s your photo? You must have a daguerreotype knocking about somewhere)

Talking of photographs I have seen mine pop up as a ‘follower’ of my own blog! Obviously I have done something silly and will try to find a way to remove it.
And, on the subject of technical know-how: I have noticed that lots of commercial sites are ‘hitting’ my blog and wondered if anyone out there knows a way to stop them, because it gives a fictitious reading to the ‘counter’.

As you know, Anna, I do not smoke. I did try a couple of times but never quite mastered it. I had more success with alcohol – so I concentrated on that.

Life is indeed a lottery. None of us know when or how we are going to die. Except the suicide. She gets one up on life (or is it on death?) by deciding both when and how she is going to die. Brave decision, to tear up your lottery ticket.
I suppose some of our choices (either directly or indirectly) influence the time and nature of our death. But then there is the accident, or the deliberate action of someone else: the suicide bomber for example. Now I think that is a cheek: choosing to opt out of life but denying that choice to others; that is the height of selfishness.

– I’m glad I got a ticket, though. Just think of all those who didn’t get the chance to take part in this a wonderful adventure.

I like to write in the morning. It is the best time for me. I think that is because I have just returned from that marvellous landscape of dreams I inhabit every night. And the primal brain is still awake; it has not yet been suppressed by the demands of the day.
I was – yet again – dreaming I was back in the Air Force. But I was the age I am now, and did not fit in. I walked to the cookhouse for an early breakfast but the woman who was supposed to serve it was lying on a bed. She scowled at me and said they did not start serving until 7.30. Later the place was full and nearly all the food had gone. I managed to secure a slice of fried potato and an egg. I was afraid I was going to be accused of queue jumping but I was desperate to get something to eat. I was also dying for a cup of tea.
By the way, I interpreted one of my 'follower's dreams - correctly, so he tells me. So if you want any dreams analysing...

Oh, and don’t worry about Gretchen; she is really an ok person. Likes her pint of diesel, but a fine woman.

I look forward to seeing your London photos; I might put a photo on here if I can find a suitable on.

Oh, and I agree with you about giving your parts to medical science and repairing other bodies and all that - though I have not signed the form yet.

I see Freddie tomorrow and this time I am going to INSIST on a visit.

Your George

1 comment:

Purple Cow said...

That was a very nice tip.

Regarding smoking if you really want to master the art - or any art for that matter - its important to have a goal. Perhaps you can say - I will learn to smoke so that I can get the full benefits of marijuana should I ever decide to try it. That way there will be purpose to it...

I guess everyone needs a strategy.

PS You are very funny.