Friday, May 17, 2013

You are thinking perhaps, Georgie, that I do not know of William Blake but I do. One of your England greatest writers and poets whom I like very much because of wise things he say.

For example, he says : The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. 

This have I found to be so true. For whom has travelled up road of excess more than your Anna? And now she has reached palace of wisdom, which is university.

Also Mr Blake was highly spiritual man (not religious, I think, because  he talk about church being cold but ale-house being warm).
And I am thinking that you, Georgie may be spiritual but not religious, with your talk of Christianity (also you spend more time in ale-house than in church - which you never visit)

Dave says to me it is necessary to have sense of humour in these troubled times - in fact in any times - so he does not mind your silly joke. Also he is thinking of joining your Royal Air Force and learning to fly aeroplane.

I say to him - are you not too old for all of this? And he get annoyed with me and say - I am not at all old, being not yet forty years. And  I say to him - yes, and how long do you think it take for them to teach you fly aeroplane? For this is not like having a few driving lessons then passing car test. Learning to fly fast jet type plane takes long time, maybe months or perhaps years, and then these air force people want to get something back for all their investment in time and money to teach you so they will think carefully about taking on the more mature person, for the very reason I am saying.

Dave gets then into one of his sulks. But I ignore and carry on with studying. I will finish all examinations in the mid June.

But I think you are not in good mental place at this time. Is this so?
Or maybe not in good emotional place. What is difference, I say. None. So is essential one gets arse in gear for what I have in mind for you come the end of month June.

Poem about Leeds is silly.

Your Anna

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