Thursday, May 30, 2013

You stupid, pedantical Englishman. 

For what does it matter if one does THE bunk or does A bunk? This what I am asking. Especially when poor Dave may be lying in ditch somewhere or sleeping under railway bridge or yet even at bottom of stinking canal of which this country is full? Why cannot you keep clean your waterways instead of allowing the clogging with muck and debris of shopping trolley and old mattress and worse?

But this is rhetorical question at this juncture.

But also another question - which is not rhetorical - is, when where you ever the explorer? Who sleep out under stars? Because this I do not believe. Also place where cold is so severe that it freezes at 8 degrees, because this is impossible.

Anyway, I take final exam tomorrow (Friday) and if then Dave is not returned I will go search for him myself. And will not rest until he is found - whether alive or dead (which of course one hopes not dead).

So if you wish ever to see Anna again, then just be hoping she find her friend (and landlord).


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