Friday, April 04, 2014

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...


Yesterday I thought there was a haze over the sea. Actually it was over everywhere. Turned out to be a combination of smog, Sahara sand and some other stuff. How strange the light looked.

Anyway, it's gone today. It is a lovely morning and I have just been sitting on the promenade.

By the way, Anna, just in case you don't know, the title of this post is taken from a well-known music-hall song. Ah, what an institution that was: the great British Music Hall. Not that I personally am old enough to remember artists like Marie Lloyd, Vesta Tilley, Nellie Wallace and all that lot but I sometimes look them up on YouTube.

This computer is telling me I have only 5 minutes time left on it, so I will go.

Will bring you a present from the seaside.


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