Tuesday, October 07, 2014

And all the while the rain it was a' raining


Another grisly, grey morning.
Well what can you expect! It's not the bleedin' Bahamas is it. It's October in England.
Yeah, well, all the same... it's depressing.

The clock on the wall strikes nine. On the East Coast of America it's 4am.
And in Moscow it's probably Thursday.

Whatever happened to the 'Flat Earth Society'? Well, we may not have a flat earth but we have a Flat Universe. I was reading about it last night. The mathematics are quite complicated but it seems they have reconciled the results obtained by weighing galaxies with quantum mechanics - and of the three hypotheses previously posited, Flat Universe wins, hands down.

Hands up who wants a Flat Universe! Well you've got one!

But what's that got to do with the price of fish? You ask. How does that affect me and my life?
Work that one out for yourself, mate. I've got enough on my plate.

I'm reading 'To the Lighthouse' - Virginia Woolf could sure knock out a good story when she put her mind to it. Nothing much happens in terms of 'action' but everything happens in terms of human relationships, what goes on in people's heads, that sort of thing.

I look through the window. The rain seems to have stopped, for the moment, but the sky is still grey and ominous. How can a sky be ominous? Or reassuring? Or anything else for that matter. 'Ominous' is just my interpretation of my sky 'experience'.

It's time I got my breakfast.

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