Monday, October 06, 2014



I awake to find the life of a family is in my hands. I was told this by an organisation called 'Samaritans Purse'.
I don't know this family. They live somewhere in Africa. But I feel the need to do something about it.

I always feel compelled to give something, to any cause that I am made aware of - even online.
 I just hope Al Qaeda doesn't ask me to sponsor a suicide bomber!

Talking of ISIS (which we weren't, although some folk think they are the same as AQ - which they're not): there is no truth in the rumour that ISIS is bringing out a book: The Qu'ran for Dummies: a wake-up call for the rest of you.

I think people who spread such rumours should have a fatwa stuck on them. (or is that another religion?).

But I am bringing out a book. I think it is time my poems were made available to a wider audience. I shall probably have to publish them myself so am looking for a good self-publisher. Any ideas?

Sunday luncheon was taken at McDonalds - and very enjoyable it was too. This was followed by a walk around the island and the feeding of swans and various assorted fowl of the air.

Today it rains. A sodden suburbia.  But are we downhearted? Well, are we...? A resounding No!

We are off the meet the day - head on!

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