Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Re Comments

RJ: I appreciate your concern, but we've all got to go sometime and I would prefer to go 'mounted' so to speak. I will, however, need a bit of practice having been incarcerated in here for so long. But I promise I will be careful.

ANONYMOUS(?): You don't fool me Anastasia - I would recognise that Anglo-Swedish tongue anywhere. And don't think I am going to let you get away with your scurrilous bloggings. I know you haven't done it for a while but I am keeping an eye on 'Sisters under the Duvet', and I will report any instances of libel to the Blogspot people.

GIRLZOOT: Your 'patch' is being hand-crafted in 'Occupational Therapy' even as I type these words.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

George, given the amount of time you seem to spend "mounted" these days, I think it highly unlikely you'll go any other way!