Wednesday, November 06, 2013

I am among the horns of a dilemma, Georgie. I am offered place in Halls of Residence for final year at university (which is not counting Masters Degree which I hope also to do after)

Also Dave say I can move back staying with him (which is also very near university) even though I have been (am) cohabiting with you. (I think this very sporting of him).

Whereas caravan which we share at this moment (exact location not to be disclosed, you tell me) is considerable way from place of learning, also being in muddy field, making walk to bus stop destroying of the shoes, rapidly, and getting wet when rains come - which they always do in this country.

But also winter is come quickly, and I know you are fearful of cold (unlike the Swedish peoples who stride unconcerned through one metre of snow) and you long to have benefit of warm body to lie beside in bed during long chilly night.

Such is the nature of my predicament.

Oh, and Scandinavian peoples are not pedantic (I look this word up). Also we have fine sense of humour. Do not you remember how when you fall down staircase at Wynorin and your wife laugh uproariously, I join in until the tears are rolling down face?

But what is this licence you need to write the poetry?

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