Saturday, November 16, 2013

Will power: a myth?


You know, Anna, that William Blake said, Those who restrain desire do so because their's is weak enough to be restrained. We have often discussed Blake.

Well, I came across this, recently... We like to believe that other people have the same level of urges as we do, despite all the evidence to the contrary. We convince ourselves that people  differ only in their degree of morality and willpower, or a combination of the two. But urges are real, and they differ wildly for every individual. Morality and willpower are illusions. For any human being, the highest urge always wins and willpower never enters into it. Willpower is a delusion.

 (Scott Adams in 'God's Debris')

Anyway, I thought we could take this as the starting point for our bedtime discussion.

You will be home tonight?? I haven't heard from you and have visited the pub again to seek a little human company, albeit anonymously. 

I am having my usual one pint (as allowed by my doctor). I make it a bit more exciting now by having a half of (quite strong) real ale and then another half of ordinary bitter. Yes, I can hear you saying, not like the the nights we had The Limping Ferret when you were au pairing at Wynorin? I sometimes think of ignoring the doc's advice and just going for it - 'the full bifter', as my friend used to say. What do you think?

I don't know what you were doing to make the chain come of the bike but it's quite easy to fix. I'll tell you what: suppose when you go back on Monday I accompany you and see to it. I'd like a day out. A change of scenery would do me good. I will have to ask you to pay my bus fare as I am skint (this is an old English expression which means 'broke').

How is it possible that a man of my education and abilities should find himself in such a parlous situation? But fear not, Anna, I shall dance again.


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